Ye He, M.Sc.

Doktorandin | Stipendiatin

Sozialpsychologie mit Schwerpunkt Rechtspsychologie


Leopoldstr. 13

80802 München

E-Mail schreiben

+49 89 2180-4875


Leopoldstr. 13

80802 München

Research Interests

  • Moral psychology of victimization
  • Social cognition of victims
  • Anger and justice restoration
  • Social status and hierarchy

Academic Education and Experiences

Since 2023
PhD student, Chair of Social Psychology, LMU Munich, Germany
2022 - 2023
Student Research Intern, Psychology, NYU Shanghai, China
2020 - 2023
M.Ed. in Psychology, Fudan University, China
2016 - 2020
B.Sc. in Psychology, Fudan University, China